5no. HV Feeders in Kent and 6no. in Sussex formed the initial scope of the project. The Feeder renewals vaired from partial renewal, comprising short sections of oil filled HV cables to be replaced with XLPE cables to full-length Feeder renewal.
The electrical Form A and route layouts were reviewed as a desktop excerise to determine a surveying scope and get a better understanding of any pinch points – area of concern. The possession driven programme led us to survey all eleven Feeders between August and December 2020, with only 1 shift available in most cases to survey an entire individual feeder.
The surveys comprised walking the full length of each of Feeder, recording the site features at specific intervals. For areas that required more detail, such as UTX locations, station platforms, level crossings, etc. detailed Topographical surveys were carried out, along with Ground Investigation and Utility Mapping to identify services where deemed necessary.
For each Feeder, AJMS produced detailed designs which involved a series of route work layouts at a scale of 1:1000, detailing the route as a whole. Site specific enlarged drawings where finer detail was required were produced for station platforms, substations, UTXs, URXs, TP Hut layouts, etc.
At present, 7 no. Feeders have been issued for construction, 4 No. are being reviewed by Network Rail.